Anna Lopez's Article in Health and Fitness

207 The Advantages of Being on a Candida Diet
A Candida Diet constitutes of a lost of food items that need to be taken and that need to be avoided to prevent the overgrowth of yeast in the gut. These foods have many anti-oxidant and anti bacterial properties that prove to be very beneficial for the human body.
Posted on Dec-12-2011

261 Importance of Parasite Detoxification
It is essential to do parasite cleansing as parasites are usually found in the intestine, stomach, colon, kidneys, liver, blood and brain of the person infected with parasitic organisms.
Posted on Dec-12-2011

282 Have a Candida diet, live healthy
Candida diet can control your disease to a great extent. If you are suffering from Candida and you have got it diagnosed then you should take medicines as well as you can start natural diet which can improve you a lot.
Posted on Dec-07-2011

271 Detoxification to Eradicate Parasite Symptoms
A parasite detoxification is similar to a body cleanse. It works to clean the body by getting rid of any parasites that reside in the digestive system. We can get parasites from food and water that has been contaminated with their larvae.
Posted on Dec-05-2011

241 Effective Home Remedies for Constipation
Constipation is a very common condition affecting millions of people around the world. It refers to a condition where the person has difficult passing stools and/or experience severe pain when doing so.
Posted on Dec-09-2011

305 Importance of Candida cleanse in Kids
Children around two years of age can have a similar Candida diet as adults, which would include, fresh vegetables, lots of fruits, if it is possible for you to change your kid’s main food from sweet, packaged and carbohydrate rich food to good natural fats and fresh food then it will help in the detoxification process and is a very effective Candida cleanse method.
Posted on Dec-01-2011

9498 Constipation- most common health problems
One of the most common health problems that usually affect a lot of people around is constipation, the undigested food in our body accumulates and causes severe problems so it is very necessary to have a healthy bowel movement and get rid of all problems.
Posted on Nov-30-2011

247 The Best Natural Constipation Remedies
For many people, eating simple foods that are not hard to digest has helped immensely with their problems of constipation. Undigested food cause constipation so avoiding foods that are hard to digest should not be taken in the morning and afternoon, instead only at night.
Posted on Nov-28-2011

235 Regular Detoxification Helps Keep Parasites in Check
There are several effective detoxification preparations, both allopathic as well as herbal, that you can use to treat yourself. Additionally, take care to avoid contaminated water, improperly washed fruits and vegetables and undercooked meats, all common sources of parasites.
Posted on Nov-28-2011

189 Keep your body healthy with detoxification program
The process of detoxification actually enhances our ability to heal. Detoxification is actually a process by which we get rid of impurities of our blood and liver. Toxic substances are also flushed out from our system through lymph, lungs and also our skin. However the impurity often remains in our body and thus our system gets affected in the process.
Posted on Nov-24-2011

198 A Candida Diet can do wonders
Candida is a micro organism present in the human body in a certain fixed ratio, and these micro organisms are a kind of bacterial yeast. Their basic function is to help the body to maintain the toxic levels that are required for a healthy being. But this amount of Candida is not fixed; it might increase due to human negligence like intake some type of rugs, or irregular eating habits, or high intake of cholesterol.
Posted on Nov-23-2011

169 What Causes a Candida Overgrowth?
Candida albicans is a kind of fungus which arises naturally in human intestine. Its yeast group fungi which are most prevalent, thrives in areas like your mouth’s mucosal part, skin, genitals and also in your digestive tracts. Generally, due to bacterial presence and cells activities inside your immune system the growth of these fungi are put under check.
Posted on Nov-21-2011

191 The Candida diet for Children
The Candida albicans yeast is an organism that is naturally present in our stomach and digestive areas. Ideally, it is kept in check by the immune system and the probiotic stomach bacteria. However, any weakening of the immune system or of the bacterial defense causes the yeast to grow rapidly, leading to a series of painful and irritating conditions.
Posted on Nov-17-2011

200 Candida Fighting Foods for Kids
A Candida diet can be administered to young children as an effective preventive against yeast infection. Not only will the diet help prevent the occurrence of the problem; it is also a healthier alternative to the processed food that are so prevalent these days.
Posted on Nov-16-2011

191 Popularity of detoxification diets
The detoxification and the detoxification diets are becoming quite popular these days. They are proven to remove toxins as well as improve the body's natural energy levels. It has also given constipation remedies to those suffering from constipation. The raw food diet is an ideal detox diet .
Posted on Nov-14-2011

195 Constipation remedies and detoxification effects
Eating out, hanging around and having fun are the genre for today’s world. When they eat out they rely on taste but rarely on the thing they eat and less are they concerned of whether it’s healthy of not.
Posted on Nov-14-2011

293 The candida cleanse has proper diet and systematic cleansing treatment.
The infection due to yeast growth, which is broadly known as the candida, is common in many individuals nowadays. The cause can be anything like a bad diet or an infection inside the body which might have attracted the yeasts to grow on the host. These are found mostly in the digestive tract of the body.
Posted on Nov-09-2011

199 Diet plays an important role in detoxification and constipation
Detoxification is a process by which we flush out the toxins form our body. A certain amount of toxic products that are accumulating in our body when we come in contact with food water and our environment.
Posted on Nov-09-2011

283 Detoxify your body with a Candida Diet
Individual who have undergone candida cleanse have witnessed better digestion, weight loss and improvement in concentration. With the proper administration of candida diet can take out some of the yeast that accumulates in our body.
Posted on Nov-07-2011

238 Detoxification for Healthy living
Detoxification can help to make you feel and get healthier. Detox drops are 100 per cent safe. This is a non-addictive herbal remedy made by health experts. This is a part of the process that will help to flush out your system. Toxins and waste products can be removed from the body so that you are healthy.
Posted on Nov-02-2011

201 30 days Detox Diet program as remedial solution for Constipation problems
When you are suffering from constipation problem, all you have to do is to go for detoxification. Detoxification will help you to excrete all the harmful toxins from your body so that the digestion process is again resulting in proper bowel formation and also relief from pain.
Posted on Nov-02-2011

427 Natural Detoxification for a Constipated Colon
Our modern lifestyle tends to be extremely hard on the human body. Every day sees huge amounts of toxins enter our systems from environmental pollution and unhealthy, over processed foodstuffs.
Posted on Oct-31-2011

292 Take proper diet when on candida cleanse
The Candida diet is a popular choice for natural body cleansing for those suffering from a Candida infection. Candida Albicans is a naturally occurring variety of yeast that is found in our intestinal areas. In correct quantities, these yeasts cause little damage to the systems and can even prove beneficial to the digestive process.
Posted on Oct-31-2011

239 Burning sensation in heart: go for natural cure
Ginger can be added to food when it's cooked, eaten raw, or consumed as ginger tea, this helps in regular intake of ginger). Turmeric is another heartburn remedy, this spice stimulates digestion and puts a check on acid build up in stomach.
Posted on Oct-21-2011

256 Diarrhea treatment and diet tips
Diarrhea is a common disease that affects people from all backgrounds and races. It is also deadly if left untreated. In developing countries, it is one of the most common causes of death and in infants worldwide, it is the second leading cause of death. Diarrhea is caused due to both bacteria and viruses but in some cases, can be due to mushroom poisoning and certain drugs.
Posted on Oct-18-2011